My research vision is to achieve ubiquitous communication, sensing and intelligence in 6G networks. More specifically, I am working towards machine learning enabled intelligent network optimization with applications to massive MIMO, cell-free massive MIMO, and intelligent metasurfaces. Additionally, I conduct research on the performance modeling and analysis of large-scale beyond 5G/6G multi-band heterogeneous wireless networks.
(Cell-free) Massive MIMO and Intelligent Metasurfaces
- L. Wang, C. Chen*, C. Fischione and J. Zhang, “Learning-based joint antenna selection and precoding design for cell-free MIMO networks,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
- C. Chen, S. Xu, J. Zhang and J. Zhang, “A distributed machine learning-based approach for IRS-enhanced cell-free MIMO networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted. PDF
- C. Chen, E. Björnson, C. Fischione, “Multi-task over-the-air federated learning in cell-free massive MIMO systems,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
- C. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Chu and J. Zhang, “On the deployment of small cells in 3D HetNets with multi-antenna base stations,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 9761-9774, Nov. 2022. PDF
- S. Xu, C. Chen, Y. Du, J. Zhang and J. Zhang, “Intelligent reflecting surface backscatter enabled uplink coordinated multi-cell MIMO network,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 5685-5696, Aug. 2023. PDF
- Y. Zhang, C. Chen, S. Yang, J. Zhang, X. Chu and J. Zhang, “How friendly are building materials as reflectors to indoor LOS MIMO communications?,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 9116-9127, Sept. 2020. PDF
Modeling and Analysis of Large-scale Beyond 5G/6G Networks
- Y. Wang, C. Chen* and X. Chu, “Performance analysis for hybrid sub-6GHz-mmWave-THz networks with downlink and uplink decoupled cell association,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
- C. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Chu and J. Zhang, “On the deployment of small cells in 3D HetNets with multi-antenna base stations,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 9761-9774, Nov. 2022. PDF
- C. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Chu and J. Zhang, “On the optimal base-station height in mmWave small-cell networks considering cylindrical blockage effects,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 9588-9592, Sept. 2021. PDF
- Y. Wang, C. Chen*, H. Zheng and X. Chu, “Performance of indoor small-cell networks under interior wall penetration losses,” IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 10907-10915, Jun. 2023. PDF
- C. Chen, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Chu and J. Zhang, “On the performance of indoor multi-story small-cell networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1336-1348, Feb. 2021. PDF
- M. Zhou, C. Chen and X. Chu, “Impact of 3D antenna radiation pattern on heterogeneous cellular networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 120866-120879, 2022. PDF
AI for Wireless
- L. Wang, C. Chen*, C. Fischione and J. Zhang, “Learning-based joint antenna selection and precoding design for cell-free MIMO networks,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
- C. Chen, S. Xu, J. Zhang and J. Zhang, “A distributed machine learning-based approach for IRS-enhanced cell-free MIMO networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted. PDF
- C. Chen, J. Zhang, T. Lu, M. Sandell and L. Chen, “Secret key generation for IRS-assisted multi-antenna systems: A machine learning-based approach,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., accepted. PDF
- C. Chen, J. Zhang, T. Lu, M. Sandell and L. Chen, “Machine learning-based secret key generation for IRS-assisted multi-antenna systems,” accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC) 2023. PDF
Wireless for AI
- C. Chen, E. Björnson, C. Fischione, “Multi-task over-the-air federated learning in cell-free massive MIMO systems,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
- Z. Li, C. Chen, C. Fischione, “Channel-aware constellation design for digital OTA computation,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv
- C. Chen, E. Björnson, C. Fischione, “Over-the-air computation in cell-free massive MIMO systems,” accepted by IEEE CAMAD 2024. arXiv